Mental Health America- Postpartum Depression Fact Sheet
Action on Postpartum Psychosis Forum
National Institute of Mental Health-Mental illness and women
Motherisk: Motherisk provides evidence-based information and guidance about the safety or risk to the developing fetus or infant, of maternal exposure to drugs, chemicals, diseases, radiation and environmental agents. This is a link to information about medication taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding and how it may impact the baby.
Maternal & Child Health Library (MCH)-The MCH Library, Collection of historical documents and reports related to maternal and child health in the United States and health services for children and families, compiled by Georgetown University
Mayo Clinic- Depression- Supporting a family member or friend
The information on The Walking Mombie is for educational and advocacy purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. Be sure to consult your health care provider for individual advice regarding your own situation.
You can rest assured that the sites/resources listed below are well-known, trusted websites, that have updated information and carefully moderated.