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Personal Development: Top 15 Productivity Blogs that You Must Follow

Whether you are interested in self improvement, a wannabe personal development blogger, or just looking for some general motivation, here are 15 blogs you must follow. These men and women are not only some of the masters in the art of self discipline and improvement but the success story of their blogs is an inspiration in itself.

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So here are the top 15 personal development blogs in the world.

Steve's blog, is the most popular personal growth blog in the world. After being arrested for grand theft and consequently being expelled from college in 1991, Steve started listening to self improvement audio courses and began the dramatic journey that saw him completing a dual degree from college, starting his own video game company and eventually starting his blog and becoming the leading expert in personal development. The tagline of his blog is "personal development for smart people" which emphasizes the fact that he writes about every topic in logical detail in long yet easy to read articles. This blog is best for people who like to think rationally. is the main blog of Leo Babauta, a writer living in San Francisco. Leo writes about simplicity, minimalism and living in the moment. The blog has a minimalist design which adds to the experience of reading his wonderful articles. He writes simply and to the point. His approach to life is all about being present in the moment. He advocates giving up goals and learning to be content with who you are. This blog is best for those who want to learn about living in the moment.

woman doing yoga on the beach

Tim Ferriss is one of the most famous personalities of the digital age. He blogs about "experiments in lifestyle design". He has written three bestselling books; "The 4-Hour Workweek", "The 4-Hour Body" and "The 4-Hour Chef". He is also an angel investor, National Chinese kickboxing champion, Guinness World Record holder in Tango and a horseback archer among other things. His blog and his books are all about living a fuller and better life. He likes to experiment with new things and finds the best way to do everything. This blog is for those who want to find the easiest way to learn things. was founded by Leon Ho in 2005. It's a collaborative site that has a bunch of contributors writing about topics such as work, communication, productivity, money, technology and lifestyle. All articles are related to finding the best way to do things. These tips, tricks and hacks are not only helpful in improving your efficiency and productivity but are full of motivation as well. This blog is for those looking for practical advice on any topic. was started by Lori Deschene. The tagline of the site is, "simple wisdom for complex lives" and the articles are about learning to apply common wisdom in our daily life. The site lets readers share their own stories and experiences related to the topics of motivation, inspiration, love, mindfulness, letting go, relationships and happiness. This blog does a really good job of motivating its readers.

Marc and Angel started as a way to stay connected and record the story of their wedding in 2006, but soon it turned into much more than that. Today it's a very high ranked personal development blog in which the candid couple talks about productivity tips, hacks, motivation, aspirations and life in general. This blog is for those who are looking for a personal touch to self improvement advice.

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Henrik Edberg from Sweden started in 2006. He writes about "happiness and awesomeness tips that work in real life". He also has a few courses and e-books to offer. The blog is full of practical tips about productivity, inspirational articles and ways to improve your self confidence to better handle relationships and social situations. This blog is for anyone looking for practical advice for self improvement.

John Wesley started in 2006. Since then it has grown into a productivity blogging community. More than 200 bloggers from around the world contribute articles on topics of productivity, motivation, philosophy, self education and psychology. Erin Falconer is the current editor in chief. Not only does this blog contain great posts but it also is a good place to guest post and get noticed.

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Chris Guillebeau started in 2008. He's a superman who's been living his dream. He's traveled to every country in the world! His blog is great inspiration for anyone trying to find their own way in the world. If nothing else, the two free manifestos, "279 Days to Overnight Success" and "A Brief Guide to World Domination", are a must read in themselves. You can also read his blog just for great tips on cheap travel.

Scot Dinsmore is a man dedicated to living his life following his passions and helping others to do the same. He started blogging at "Reading For Your Success" which later became He inspires people to follow their passions and live life in their own unique way. Read for tons of inspiration and motivation. is about inspiring people to follow their passions and fulfill their dreams. Jonathon used to be a lawyer before he realized he needed to find a better way to live. He quit his job and started a couple of successful businesses before selling them to become a full-time writer, blogger and speaker. He's also written two books about chasing dreams and living your passions.

Gretchen Rubin is the famous author of books such as the NYT bestsellers, "The Happiness Project" and "Happier at Home". is her blog which records her "experiments in the practice of everyday life". Her blog is all about finding the elusive happiness in daily life.

girl smiling was started by Jay White (pen name) in 2006. Readers are invited to actively participate in the blog and post their own stories and tips. The site is about life tips on the topics of money, relationships, happiness etc. This is another wonderful site to guest post.

Michael Hyatt is the author of the bestselling book, "Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World". he writes about leadership, productivity, personal development and publishing and platform building. It is a great blog for anyone looking to change their life by using social media.

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Jonathon Mead started in 2008 and runs it along with a bunch of other people and his pet dog Sofie Aiko. The site is all about living and working in the way that you want to, instead of walking the well trodden path. He also has a few courses and free tools to help you turn your passion into a living.

With these 15 top blogs, you've got a huge amount of inspirational, motivational and practical reading material to fall back on whenever you are in need for some advice or gumption boost.

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