Teaching Our Tech-Savvy Kids Vital Internet Safety
Internet dangers isn't always the easiest task for parents to get their kids to take online safety serious. It can become a really touchy...

Meet Sophie, Emma, & Zoe: The World's Only Deafblind Identical Triplets
Sophie, Emma, and Zoe are three very remarkable girls. Their mother Liz ended up going into labor at twenty-weeks and was able to hold...

Doing What It Takes To Keep Our Kids Safe
*Let's get the affiliate mumble jumble out of the way- If you click on any of the lil' ole' links contained in this post and end up...

Learning Essentials: Patiently Teaching Your Child Letter Recognition
Whether your child is preparing for kindergarten or starting to learn English as a second language, the English alphabet is an essential...

Back-To-School Free Mixing Colors Flash Cards
Back to school season has officially begun, which means it's time to start planning! Make the most of this new school year and set your...

The Walking Mombie Splashtastic Mega Summer Giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive a Step 2 Duck Pond Water Table, one half lb bag of non-toxic sensory water beads, one long sleeve...